I'm guessing its a bit late for the annual recap of 2019, but here goes. It was a year of travel that for the most part did not involve the Albino Armadillo...Two Casita trips is all I took this year... February saw me head to West Texas and land at Big Bend meeting a couple of "Casita Cousins"..along with two VW Camper folk...Had a awesome time, less photography and more camping, relaxing, enjoying life stuff. I followed that with a late Fall trip to East Texas...same format about relaxing, a bit of solitude and and trying out dutch oven cooking. Both trips were just what the doctor ordered....
Cedar Lodge (c)2018Horst Kelly Photographer |
But that's not all the traveling I did in 2019....We kept busy driving I-35 north. Took 3 trips to Kansas City, to include one trip to help celebrate a surprise 50th Birthday party for one of our SIL's....Great party, able to meet and re meet a lot of his and daughters friends.
We took a trip to Claremore , Oklahoma to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of what was once the West Point of the Southwest...Super time and met some classmates...what a walk down memory lane that was...The Bride was impressed with the entire event...well other than the thunder storm and tornado that touched down the first evening. :))
We also took a week trip to Big Cedar Lodge on the Missouri Arkansas border...in the Ozark Mountains. what a magnificent place that is, nestled in the rolling hills and overlooking a lake...stayed in a log cabin that was the icing on the cake...a fun time...one of the twins and her husband came down for a day and we went bike riding and did a little photography...talk about quality time...
Big Cedar Lodge (c)2019HorstKelly Photographer |
In between those adventures we keep moving with the speed of a glacier in looking for a new home closer to stuff we now seem to frequent with some regularity...hospitals, day surgeries, Doctors, dentists, labs, ct scans, ex-rays, and the list goes on ...but for now we maintain and smile and thank our Maker for our good fortune.
2020 is starting off with preparation, anticipation and countdowns...First I just bought two 6 volt golf cart batteries and will be mounting those on the back rack that use to carry my generator. my generator will be mounted on the tongue..also building a new table/desk for the rear of the Casita...I had built a table made out of birch that was too heavy....next month I'm going to north Texas to
Little home on the Road run by Terry and wife Lynn...they started a shop mainly for Casita's since Larry Gamble retired...They have been super receptive, friendly and helpful. Looking forward to meeting them...They're going put some shocks on, also a set of stabilizers in the front, the fridge hinges, solar port and some other "stuff" .
Big Cedar Lodge (c)2019HorstKelly Photographer |
A west coast trip is in the making....probably in early spring. My plan is to hitch up and head to Death Valley and Alabama Hills as
prime destinations...with several side trips( suggestions would be most welcome). The trip won't be the 2 or 3 month long ones I use to take...but will run in the neighborhood of 4-6 weeks. I am looking foward to this one...Its one that I have wanted to do for several years and this year all the stars and planets seemed to have lined up....as they say Yippi-ki-ya!
Finding my pot of gold, Tetons(c)2017HorstKellyPhotographer |
I think with that I'll close for now...more updates to follow...Happy Trails to All! Horst sends