Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas to all My Blogging friends that still visit

                                                       Mother Nature's Christmas Choir


I know...There has been a void in my postings, and there is a reason...Hopefully in April, or sooner I will start posting on a regular basis again. Until then, may the coming year be filled with much love, great health, and awesome memories!! Horst sends


Yours truly Christmas 1949


Saturday, May 18, 2024

Two Awesome Adventures

 Time does seem to go at warp speed these days...Its been 3 months since my last post. I've only taken two camping trips and the second one being cut short due to weather.... Ah, the weather. It's been the main culprit for the lack of activity. First it was just plain cold,   I don't do cold! Then for about the last 4 or 5 weeks we've in "Missouri Spring"....which means every week it would start  great, then   the next two days would be iffy and finally  the possibility of tornadoes. Sirens went off 3 or 4 times. During one 'time out' in our safe room it sounded like a 'freight train' going by. It did rip large tree limbs. Neighbor thought it was a tornado which hadn't touched the ground, or had just lifted. There where tornadoes in the area. Sporty Spring thus far!

I did manage a day trip to Arkansas to try and experience the solar eclipse and take some photo's. Finding a spot that didn't have 10,000 of my best friends was getting difficult. I finally found a National Forest with a firing range on it, and it had a large parking lot with good visibility to the sky. Only had a dozen or so locals..almost ended up being a tailgate party. Met a retired Marine and his wife. Very nice couple. You could tell he knew what he was  doing. Had some awesome equipment. we've exchanged emails and have corresponded a couple time. They live near Ft Leonard Wood. Great fun ! It became quite apparent that astrophotography wasn't something I have mastered yet...not even close. A lot of blurred shots and missed opportunities! It was still  a great way to spend a day... 


The next event was the Northern lights. I had no clue that there might be a chance to see the lights, one of the kids called up the day of the event and asked where I was going to photograph the Northern Lights. What?   So I did my usual scrabble and got out about 9pm and stayed until close to midnight This area was not suppose to get  'awesome' photo ops. Though they weren't like the horizontal event as you get Iceland, Northern Canada, or even  Yellowstone or Tetons. I was thrilled on what I got...especially being my first experience. These are the moments that make terrific memories. They say there's another chance within the next month and I will be there. This time I'll do some research on trying to find a place with interesting foreground. 


Other than that, I'm trying to stay busy and active.  Planting flowers, tomatoes and some herbs. Laying mulch down and enjoying the yard.


I'm doing some remodeling of the truck bed, to be able to accommodate the stuff I need to camp, which means I still need to downsize the amount I bring with me. I'd like to do some camping before it gets too hot. For the summer I will try to do some day photo trips, mainly on Rt 66, plus some general exploring. 

A Western sunset..I never tire of them!

We have been doing some yard work in between the storms...going to plant some tomatoes, more flowers, etc. this weekend. Get a couple more hummingbird feeders....yup, just 'piddling'!

I suppose I'll close for now and see if I can find a new adventure or two. Take care and Happy Trails to you all! Horst sends

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Camping along RT66

 A new year is upon us....its that time of year when most of the "Blogging Family" is heading or at Quartzsite.....and also time to make sure we have ready a supply of pulled pork, brats, chicken wings chips, dip and an assortment of beverages as it is Superbowl weekend.  


Trying to find Sasquatch and a camping spot 




The weather here has been up and down but then it is winter. I have had the good fortune of going on several 2/3 day camping trips mainly into the Ozark National Forest in Arkansas. I'm finding a lot of camping opportunities on lakes and along river banks with  some great views.

Another journey I'm going on is exploring Old Rt 66. Some are  day trips, other's are overnight outings. What surprised me is that the "Route 66" name was founded and approved in Springfield, Missouri which is basically where I now live...  26 April 1926  a telegram was sent from the Colonial Hotel in Springfield to The Secretary of Agriculture in DC stating all parties accept  "66" ....and as they say the rest is history. I'll include more tidbits as this adventure continues. 









...and 'till next time somewhere along "66"...Happy Trails. Horst sends

...and another sunset somewhere in this great Country

Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas 2023

   2023  could be characterized as a year of  discovery and relaxation. The Texas relocation and sorting out our new priorities was behind us...this year could be summed up as enjoying our new environment without all the "hoopla" that usually comes with it.

There were numerous day trips to explore what Southern Missouri and our neighboring states have to offer. An area rich in history and landscape.  I did take camping trips , but most were from one to five days in duration and from two to four hours from home.  A new style from the  one and two month trips I took in the past.  Though it was a 'weaning' process. In April I took a trip to Death Valley and the Eastern Sierras. It took me through Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and to California. One of the perks of taking that route was experiencing Old Route 66. 

It was also  a year of sharing the holidays, birthdays and other special "Hallmark" created events with most of the adult kids. Those are kodak moments that made the move from Texas the "Right Move" at this time in our lives. The only regret is that we didn't see our East Coast Clan this year. Hopefully next year we can resolve that. We are happy to report that all the Offspring are doing well both in health, work, and in enjoying their free time, to include trips to the Virgin Island, Caymans,  New York city(for work and play), Vegas, Bahamas', and points beyond.  

So as you can tell, this year didn't see a lot of "whistles and bells" but in its place was discovery, tranquility, and bonding.

I wish for each of my Blogging Family,  friends and  family  a wonderful, relaxing and blessed Christmas and may the coming year bring Good Health, much love and special moments!  Horst sends

Sunset in Arizona


Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Chasing Fall colors on Rt 66

   I've had another trip around the Sun. Amazing how fast time seems go by these days. The other day I was reminiscing about my trip with the grandkids 10 years ago and wondering if I could manage that adventure today. My ego says sure but my body says I don't think so.😃 The Kids and I still relive that trip every now and again and it always ends in laughter....Memories are a wonderful item in life's toolbox! 

Speaking of trips, I've taken a couple more short trips since my last post.  Mainly wanted to get out and try to capture some fall colors and see some of Old RT. 66 Stuff.  Rt 66 is right in our general vicinity so I made a couple   trips and captured a couple gas stations, a bridge and some fall color. The Route 66 trip was here in Missouri.

 What made it special was back in '62 my father was transferred from the Philippines to the Pentagon. I had made a friend  my first year at Oklahoma Military Academy with a guy from Stamford Connecticut. Going back to OMA in '62 we decided to drive. He had a 61 Chev. convertible...Long story short, he picked me up in DC and we started a trip of a lifetime. At one point we were on Rt 66 in Missouri and the song "Going to Kansas City" came on the radio. There was a line in the song 'they got some crazy little women there, and I'm going to get me one'. I said, we ought to take a right at the next road and head north to K.C. He did and we got there, stopped at a local drive-in....stayed up there about an hour(never could find 12th street and Vine) and headed back towards Claremore Oklahoma. 😃 Making memories... It was great traveling on that same road that we were on 61 years ago! 

Not my image

Not my image..'61 Chev Impala


 My next adventure took me south to Arkansas and I spent a couple days camping, relaxing and getting a few autumn shots  and camping on a lake.  Enjoyed pan fried ribeye one evening  along with some mushrooms, asparagus and a glass of merlot... by this time with our setting the clocks back  it was pitch black and the silence was deafening  except for an owl letting me know he was guarding the area.  

Time to call it a day. Got into the bed of the truck climbed up to the "Eagles Nest" watched the night sky some more while reflecting how blessed I am! 

Next morning came early with the howling of the least 25/30mph.  Decided it was too windy to hike or take photo's so I made myself some bacon, eggs, and hot coffee. Afterwards I packed up and headed north...three hours later I was getting a hug from my bride!!  No matter how long or how short a trip, it's always comforting to get home to a "loved one" !

Until next time .....Safe Journey, Keep making memories! Horst sends



Monday, October 16, 2023

From Soft Roading to Mud Bogging......Kinda, Sorta, Maybe

  The weather cooperated last week  and I decided to venture south to Arkansas. Three plus hour drive and I was in the Ozark National Forest. If that isn't "Sasquatch  Country" I don't know what is. The leaves haven't started any serious turning of Fall colors yet, but it was still a nice drive. I arrived in the area I had been researching mid afternoon,  found a small lake and a nice site...  parked myself there for two nights. First day and evening was overcast so no opportunity for a sunset or sunrise shot. No sunrise the second day, but a pretty nice sunset with what looked like some storm clouds moving in....of course I had to grab my camera and shoot a few pics. My idle time was spent hiking some easy trails, reading some books on the local area and cooking a few meals. 

Next morning again was overcast.....decided to venture to another location near some rivers to include the Buffalo National River. Had  bacon and eggs,  took my time packing up, cleaning up checking locations. The weather wasn't sure what it wanted to do....overcast and a few drops of rain. I decided to travel 100 or so miles somewhat north and west. South of Jasper, Ark. 

Not a bad view  .......

........from the camper

What a drive that turned out to be. Arkansas has a road definition system  that is different from anything I'm use to. Their definition of a "County" Road in line to what I'm use to seeing as a single track trail...I was tested on my skill level or lack there of....Bottom line I was lucky not to get stuck and having to send a SOS message from my Garmin mini in-Reach.  A lot of water on the trail, rutted trails, deep muddy trails, numerous river crossings....The bottom line I averaged, at least according to my calculations, 2-7 miles per hour. No cell service. I used my in-Reach to send messages to my Bride. I did stop a number of times to see how deep the water was and how soft the trail  was....But I found a pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow, at least it seemed like that for me! 

Nothing like Country Driving...haha

Better parts of the trail


What a Vista. The photo's don't do it justice. The water was deep Aqua....I wanted to take a dip but knew how cold it most be. I believe that it is Spring fed stream.

Entering Shangri La

I did a little walk around/hike to get a feel of my surroundings, no sign of any human activity, the trail  oh excuse me "county" road  😇 looks about the same shape as where I just came from. So time for a sandwich I had made before leaving the last camp......close enough to five O'clock for a adult refreshment. All I knew is this was going to be a great stay.

But things don't always go the way of plans. Though it was overcast most of the day,  storms never were on my radar scope.  The longer I was there the more ominous the clouds layer got  and the  wind picked up. With no cell service I had no way of knowing what the current weather situation was looking like. I did not want to leave so I thought I would stay for a little while longer to see if this system blows over...or gets worse. 

My slice of paradise 
  However I knew that if it started raining  or worse storming that I could have a real problem getting out... not only with the deep muddy ruts, but also that the water crossing may become impassable due to water levels rising  and faster current.  I decided to error on the side of "chicken" and look forward to another visit in the near future.

The perfect "getaway" camping spot

As I was making my exit, it started raining The good news is the heavy rain didn't hit until I was back on pavement. Three plus hours  and I was pulling into the driveway, with outstretched arms of my lovely bride. Most of the drive back was with T-storms, and strong winds. 

Ahhh, back on pavement and civilization :))

 I will be back to that shangri la site very soon!....So stay toned...Horst sends