Its been awhile again....We went to Kansas City to Celebrate and "give away" our daughter. It was a magnificent event with a most beautiful lady....and her now husband a terrific person...It took her a long time to find Mister Right, but to me the wait was well worth it. Lots of smiles and tears ...but lots of Memory Makers....It was a wonderful evening of meeting new folks, seeing a daughter about the happiest in her life, which gives me a real warm feeling right between my heart and soul...Yet it was one of the most relaxed weddings I have been to...People had FUN!! ...and there's a lot to be said for fun!
Bride and Groom....thats all I get to share right now..this was part of their engagement photo's |
Stayed in the area for a while so the Better Half and I could visit, relax and spend some quality time with family and friends..FIL is still going strong at 93....We enjoyed ourselves, headed back and two days after our return both of us caught colds, mean, ugly ones...not the Flu, just good old fashion colds...the kind that makes you drink Brandy. :)) Just now getting over them. Plus I manged to break a is just too good to me. :))
Now for the "Smiley traveling" news....I am going on a short camping/photo trip. ...and I am biting at the bit...really ready for the adventure. As some of you may remember when I got back from my abbreviated trip(Bride was in hospital) from out West last Fall, I had decided to forego a Fall Western Trip for this year. Instead planned to do some short ones around Texas...didn't get to do as I had planned, though I had a terrific trip to Big Bend this past March.
We are in Texas..had a camera for a change |
This trip I wanted to see about getting some Fall Foliage somewhere in Texas. There are five good places in the State, so they say...and one of them is suppose to be Martin Dies State Park, which is East and a little north of here...have never camped in that area, so I'm looking forward to it..with a little luck the weather will be nice and there will be some Fall color...but if not, thats OK...I will be spending time with "Mother Nature"....and thats my priority! I also plan to spend a couple days camping a few short miles from there at Sandy Creek, a CoE campground...just to see what its like...both of the campgrounds are on the lake but is more of a forest, swampy area....
Early morning fog |
I plan on hitting the road around the 12th of the month...this weekend I'll spend getting all the gear ready to go, getting Ms Casita all cleaned up and road ready and researching for those little known "gems" that are in most areas. It will be terrific just to sit and watch a sunset in the wilderness and the smell bacon and strong coffee as the sun peeks over the horizon..more to follow......Horst sends
BTW...How could I forget...A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to the Houston Astros!!!!!