Saturday, April 7, 2012

Six Man Football..... Texas Style and Pecan Capital of the World

When I left you this morning I didn't know what I was going to do.......but that didn't last long....first a photo of the  northwest portion of Lake Buchanan...right on the east end of the Campground...see photo...its blue, but its not water....its blue first clue that something was amiss, is when I saw a sign that said "swim at your own risk, no lifeguard on duty"..also saw a boat ramp going to no where and a nice pier with a 20+ foot dirt...ask the owners how far the water table has dropped due to the draught...27 feet or so...Wow...Jerry(Egg Rolling) blog...I don't think I'm going to try and match your Bass....only thing I'll catch is a wild flower...or field sure has hurt the small business owners in this area....
Horst Kelly Photographer

About 0830 or so I decided to go to San Saba...probably 60 plus miles....headed west on 29 to LLano then took 16 north.....the blue bonnets got more prevelant then where I had they had some Indian paint brush and red bonnets...though still no vast fields, only roadside...but its better then nothing....couldn't do true closeups as the wind was blowing 15+ miles per hour.....still a great day.....when I got to San Saba I decided to go west on 190 until Richland Springs.....more red bonnets.....stopped several times.....

Horst Kelly Photographer

The drive was interesting as it was to a part of  Texas I had not been to....northern edge of the Hill Country...numerous farms and ranches and small towns...... Cherokee...they play 6 man football and where the State Champions 74-78...missing it one of those years...San Saba, Claims to be Pecan Capital of the "World"...if the number of orchards are an indication, I believe they have that title....then on 190 we have Hatkeyville; Algenita and Richland Springs, another 6 Man football team and they have dominated the State Championships the last 4 years or so.....wonder how many of those young adults ever made it to the NFL....
Horst Kelly Photographer

I turned around at Richland Springs, stopped a few more times for photos and got back to the campground around 1:30pm...another adventurous day of exploring.....speaking of adventures....I'm starting to track the Wichita Mtn Wildlife Refuge weather in Oklahoma and it doesn't look too good for next week...they currently are calling for 30/40% chance of T-showers starting tomorrow through Thursday...I'm starting to look for other options, including going home and waiting 'till fall to make that trip.....Tomorrow is cleanup thing about the need to stay on top of it or it will get messy in a "heartbeat".....especially if you have sandy soil right outside the vacuum, shine, empty tanks, get gas.....and set a course for the next adventure...

Horst Kelly Photographer

Sooooo...some folks have been wondering about my fixing "Chinese".....hasn't happened yet, and I don't know why....lazy I guess....had a taco salad this evening.....everybody have a GREAT Easter.....I'll catch you tomorrow evening......Happy Trails...Horst sends

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