As I sit here and reflect on the past 12 months.... it may seem as one of little activity compared to past years....and in the way of adventures with the Casita, or Grandkids, or multiple trips up to Kansas City and Charleston, etc, it was kinda benign. Though I did take The Albino Armadillo(Ms Casita) on two short trips...which I thoroughly enjoyed....and we did go to Kansas City and attend the wedding of one of our Daughters...which in itself made this a very memorable year.
(c)Horst Kelly Photographer..Sunrise Monument Valley, Sept 2015 |
More important is that it was a year that was good to us in terms of health, agility, mobility, and so many more blessings..The Children and Grandkids are doing well in all respects, our Friends are well. Yes we are doing better than "just fine".......sure there where speedbumps this year that slowed us down or caused us to change direction, but that seems to continually occur, Its called ageing....and as long as I can put one foot in front of the other and can call it "walking", I'm happy... and the good news is, it hasn't yet changed our life or lifestyle...
(c)2017Horst Kelly Photographer, Moonrise...Blood Moon & Lunar Eclipse, Lake Powell, Page Az Sept 2015 |
Instead of celebrating the last sunset of 2017...I am elated to be able to witness and celebrate the first sunrise and moonrise of 2018...with that I close and share one of my favorite photo's of each.....To all of my Blogging Friends, I wish the Coming Year be Filled with Good Health, New and Exciting Adventures...and much Joy....Thanks for stopping By! Horst sends
...........and one more "reminder" why it is that all of us love this Lifestyle!
(c)Horst Kelly Photographer....The Perfect Sunrise...You just know its going to be a GREAT Day