Another month is just about in the Books and I still haven't been out discovering some new place, hike or even BBQ Joint...but I haven't been sitting the "Albino Armadillo" all washed and cleaned.....did a couple of simple modifications, Purchased a Renogy 100 Watt Mono suitcase Solar Panel from Craigs list...its at a price I couldn't refuse..though it ended up being a drive from Hell up North, due to weather, But in the end, it was still worth it. Its only 4 months old, in perfect condition, tested and works for a modification...I want to remove the controller from the panels and place it in the Casita, then upgrade to 6 or 8 gauge cable(wire) from controller to more than 3/4 feet...currently its a 10/12 gauge at 15 feet.... then a 25 ft 10 gauge from panels to controller....also trying to find a remote to the controller to place in a convenient place to monitor...Since electric stuff and I are not "best Friends", this modification should interesting.....
My New Toy |
I now have a kinda,, maybe, sorta, trip planned....This is suppose to be a Banner Year for Bluebonnets and Wildflowers...I'm thinking of rolling North and setting up Camp at Inks Lake State Park, close to Buchanan Lake, between Burnet and Llano....leave the end the Month and stay until after Easter Sunday....from there go to either Brenham, Tx or Big Bend Nat'l. Pk.....we'll see what the Bluebonnets are doing by then at either place....about a two week trip...enough to do some Mental Cleansing...and get the blood flowing full speed again....Hopefully Mother Nature has settled down or at least taking a breather and the weather will be "Spring Perfect"...though some overcast will probably be best for the flower photography....I am Ready!!!
I want to thank all the folks that I asked questions on Solar stuff, Sharon of Tiny Camper, Jon Vermilye of Jon's Journey; and Jean from the Borderbrae Blog....thanks for all your help and advice!!!
A couple photo's from trip from days gone by....more of these can be found on my 2015 Trip Gallery..Happy Trails....until next time...Horst sends
(c)Horst Kelly Photographer |
(c) Horst Kelly Photographer |
(c)Horst Kelly Photographer