I know, I know...haven't posted in a while.....I guess I've been having way tooooo much fun....Arrived in Charleston about noon last Wenesday....we all relaxed that day....picked up the Grands from school and the fun began...they are 10 and 8 now...they had to show "Opi" their rooms, every computor and X-Box game they had, their favorite ones, what the object of the game is, etc.....then off to do homework, supper and then the games....the hand, eye coordination 8 and 10 year olds have is amazing....I remember having problems keeping up with the Pong Game.... Atari and Nitendio where my undoing...and I always was told I had great reflexes and hand eye coodination....but its nothing compared to these two....
Playing XBox and another game on computor |
Thursday...my daughter and I took the kids to school, did some shopping, mainly for the party, pork shoulder, baby back ribs, chicken legs and 2 bushels of fresh oysters in the shell(to be steamed and or grilled)....Iced them down in a huge cooler.......I tried to talk her into a brisket but my SIL voted me down...damn Navy pukes..got the kids from school...same routine as the day before...though we did go outside to the backyard lake and fed the ducks....afterwards we all set up the oyster tables and other stuff...forgot to mention, SIL is off this week, but is getting Certified to be a Staff Instructor for Scuba Diving...its his second love...in fact thats how my daughter met him..he was teaching the diving class that she signed up for.... some 18 years ago....how time flies...
A GREAT Navy Team |
So lets move on to Saturday...its scamble day...need to set everything up, start the smoker, etc...SIL is still in class, expected home at 1530 hours...0730 put on the 2 pork shoulders 250 degrees of heat, for 10 hours, ribs will start later, chicken last thing on.....we cleaned the house, set up the tables, got the sides going...by 1530 SIL came home, we set up the oyster table and got the final stuff going....they have a large home and also outside deck...about 40-50 folks coming...all is well...
Lake Backyard |
By 1700 the first folks show up....all the meat is done...and I forgot to take photo's of it...wanted to have Jerry..Eggrolling, to judge it, haha...well I think we would have won....but then I smoked it...lol..we had the cememony, toasts and then all relaxed and spent the rest of the evening telling "war stories"....though I will say that I was on the edge of being thrown in the lake by all those Navy folks, as I kept telling them how inferior Navy was to Air Force, lol....it was a great night of "jabbing" on both sides...

Sunday, SIL had to take 2 finals...or so he said, while daughter and I cleaned up the mess, another Navy trait/tradition...be slobs. By noon all was done including yard, deck, smoker, grill, etc...the rest of the day we "grazed" on left-overs, and reminised about days gone by.....The new Lt. Commander came home around 1500....we decided it was time for happy hour, did games with the Grands, and before you know it we where all on the sofas..watching T.V., half a sleep...in fact one of the kids fell asleep....What a great weekend is was.....I plan on leaving Wednesday....next two days will be doing some sight-seeing in Charleston, relaxing and being with small adults....
Charleston Historic District |
Charleston Historic District |
OK...I haven't posted yet...its now Tuesday....will not be going to Hilton Head...its back to Texas...should be home Friday or Saturday...may take a different route home that takes me through Macon, Ga..south of Atlanta, then down to mobile...or may take I-20 all the way into Texas and head south prior to getting to Dallas.....will post and blog tomorrow evening....Happy Trails