This morning was filled with excitment......I was looking foward to the "Grinnell Challenge"...having reviewed the post and seen the photo's Rob had the last couple months I had been waiting for this day.....and here it was...I downed my coffee...made a couple sandwiches...water, camera, charged batteries, just kidding....and I was off for the 15 mile or so drive to the trailhead.....and there I was...stapped my handy knife, bear spray and waist pack on.....I was ready...let the games begin....
Grinnell Hike...Horst Kelly Photographer |
...and what a hike it was...Rob was correct in describing the serene and majestic area this hike was taking me through.....lakes, Mountains, meadows, and everthing in between..path about 2 or 3 feet wide...heavy folliage in areas....and...what is this...oh yes bear poo on the trail...lots of it....I sang, I gave speeches, I recited the Gettesburg Address...I sang 99 Bottles of bear...or I mean beer on the wall....and all in vain, more on that later.....
The hike was going great ...I was enjoying it so much that I forgot about the photography side of this about the 4.0 mile mark it happened...I have been concerned throughout this trip about my knee holding up...had it scoped/reparied last year and all has been fine since then...well it wasn't my knee that caved in, it was my right ankle....a injury/surgery that happened 44 years ago...and Bam it started swelling like a watermellon...I have advil...took 3....where is the brandy when you need it....nothing helped and I decided to not further harm or injury it I would make my way back.....which took 3 times as long...but I made it and am now tring to get it in shape for my next adventure...
Another Grinnell...Horst Kelly Photographer |
Am I dissapointed...yes, do I regret it...NO...and I will try it again sometime in the future...It was the best hike of this trip by far.....oh, you wanted to know about the bears.....long story, long...I encountered three ...yes 3...2 Blacks and one Grizzly...the Ranger had said they have been all over this area recently....back to the story... first it was three separate sightening...two of them where in the high brush...the first never even noticed me...the second one glanced at me..neither one was an opportunity for a photo op.....and then the I was walking, it was almost like he was waiting for me and popped there is a photo op...but probably my last one...I had my bear spray locked and first stupid thought, can I click a few photo's off and still shot the spray.....I knew the distance he was from me and I knew my limitations...I clapped , and slowly started walking backwards.....He gave me one last look and probably his pants are wet..grinned and meandered off in the brush....I waited a bit...and a bit more...saw him way down the hill and started a chorus of "Raw Hide"...
And Another...Horst Kelly Photographer |
What an experience....I did have a beer when I got back...its five o'clock somewhere.....I went out again to try and get some waterfall shots...never tryed to get them to look sliky like Jon has I thought I'd give it a try...long way from his great shots...but I'll keep trying....
Need to stop as tomorrow is my travel day to the West to clean the camper, Xterra, organize and get stop Fish Creek Camp Ground...Happy Trails...Horst
First Try...More to Come...Horst Kelly Photographer |
The End.....Horst Kelly Photographer
ps...Rob...Could you email your blog...I don't have it on this netbook...I want to add it to my Blog list on my Blog , plus read and comment to your email address it on my blog page...thanks Buddy... |